IAQ Solutions & Consulting Inc.

Never Vacuum A HEPA Filter

The Risks of Cleaning a HEPA Filter

Stephen Fontaine, an expert in indoor air quality, emphasizes the crucial role of HEPA filters in maintaining clean and healthy indoor air. Contrary to common misconceptions, Fontaine strongly advises against attempting to clean a HEPA filter. Cleaning these filters can lead to irreparable damage to the delicate mesh of fibers, thereby compromising their efficiency. Furthermore, the cleaning process may reintroduce pollutants into the air, potentially posing health risks to occupants. Fontaine emphasizes that the primary purpose of HEPA filters is to eliminate harmful indoor air pathogens such as mold, pet dander, and airborne particles that can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma.

Why Cleaning a HEPA Filter is Not Recommended

Fontaine elaborates on the reasons why cleaning a HEPA filter is discouraged. Not only does the cleaning process risk damaging the filter’s intricate fiber weave, but it also introduces airborne pollutants back into the living space, defeating the purpose of using a HEPA filter. Additionally, individuals attempting to clean these filters may inadvertently inhale pollutants, triggering allergic reactions or other health issues. Fontaine also highlights the necessity of using specialized equipment to clean HEPA filters and emphasizes the importance of ensuring the filter is completely dry before reinstallation to prevent mold growth.

The Potential Consequences of Cleaning a HEPA Filter

Fontaine delves into the potential consequences of cleaning a HEPA filter, emphasizing that even if manufacturers label a filter as washable or permanent, there are no standardized methods for effectively cleaning these filters. This lack of uniformity raises concerns about the filters’ post-cleaning performance, as there is no definitive evidence supporting their continued effectiveness after cleaning. Fontaine stresses that maintaining the integrity of a HEPA filter’s frame is equally crucial, as compromised frames or gaskets can allow unfiltered air to bypass the filter altogether.

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As Recommended by Dr. John Kraemer

Director of Environmental Science Program / Professor / Director, Center for Environmental Analysis CEO, Institute for Environmental Health Assessment & Patient Centered Outcomes, at Southeast Missouri State University.

Dr. John Kraemer endorses Stephen Fontaine and his expertise in indoor air quality management and policy development. Dr. Kraemer conducts extensive testing on stand-alone air purifiers with HEPA-13 filters and found them highly effective in removing airborne pathogens and allergens in the classroom, in-home environments, and transportation-related situations.

He commends Fontaine for his thorough knowledge of stand-alone HEPA-13 filtered air purifiers and his development of reliable solutions to difficult IAQ challenges. Dr. Kraemer appreciates and values the positive leadership of Fontaine’s work on improving air quality for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma. Kraemer’s endorsement and recommendation of Fontaine’s indoor air quality advice illustrates the level of understanding Fontaine has exhibited of the CDC and EPA guidance for indoor air quality programs in schools and other densely populated buildings.